Friday, December 27, 2019

Essay on Sleep Deprivation in America - 2096 Words

Sleep Deprivation in America Research indicates that America’s sleep problems have increased and might be the number one health problem. The average amount of sleep that people get per night can range anywhere from three to twelve hours. According to Dr. David Dinges at the University of Pennsylvania, it is a fact that people who get fewer than six hours of sleep a night do not live as long as people who get seven hours or more. Most people do not realize the importance of sleep or even realize that it is needed to survive. Many people experience sleep deprivation; however it is commonly seen in college students. Irregular sleeping patterns tend to occur in students, which can later lead to long-term effects.†¦show more content†¦This simply means that the body has a natural clock that runs it. The circadian timing system is no longer a twenty-four hour cycle, but it is just more of an individual timing system (Williams 111). As people have developed and changed, the system is no longer twenty-four hours, but it has become more personalized according to the individual. Circadian rhythms have a large impact on our sleeping patterns and if the system is changed, it can be the beginning cause of sleep deprivation. Many disorders and diseases can result from abnormal sleeping patterns that are triggered from sleep deprivation. The most common forms of sleep disorders include insomnia, sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome, and narcolepsy (NINDS 10). All of these sleep disorders begin from sleep deprivation and can be managed once they are diagnosed correctly. According to Urban, â€Å"Nervousness, dizziness, and sleeplessness may occur†, as a result of sleep deprivation (1). This proves that the slightest health changes can occur if sleep deprivation becomes a problem. According to NINDS, â€Å"The disorders and the resulting sleep deprivation interfere with work, driving, and social activities† (10). This shows that the effects of being sleep deprived can drastically change one’s everydayShow MoreRelatedStudents All Over America Are Suffering From Sleep Deprivation1078 Words   |  5 PagesAre you a student who has a school start time before 8:30 a.m.? Do you get tired during the school day because you did not get enough sleep? You are not alone. Students all over America are suffering from sleep deprivation. This is causing teens to do poorly in school and causes emotional and health issues. Most schools are restricted from having a later school start time because of extra-curricular activities including sports and marching band. But is this a valid sacrifice? School start times shouldRead MoreThe Dangers Of Lack Of Sleep Deprivation913 Words   |  4 Pagesof Lack of Sleep in Highschoolers Sleep deprivation in high school students is creating a long list of problems in their health and academic areas. Sleep deprivation has been linked to many different health effects, and a major cause of sleep deprivation in high schooler s is the start time of their first morning class. Many different studies have been conducted concerning start times in schools and the current time that schools begin classes, is wreaking havoc on student health. Sleep has been shownRead MoreThe Effects Of Sleep Deprivation On Sleep Disorders926 Words   |  4 PagesCommission on Sleep Disorders Research, â€Å"at least 40 million Americans suffer from chronic, long-term sleep disorders† (Sleep Disorders and Sleeping Problems†). There are several causes for the increase in lack of sleep or sleep deprivation; which include, using electronics late at night, using your bed for more than just sleeping, and anxiety. As a result of modern technology, there are many people who every now and then don’t sleep well, but there are several who experience what is called sleep deprivation:Read MoreThe Effects Of Sleep Deprivation On College Students Essay1319 Words   |  6 Pages Sleep deprivation is a frequent obstacle that many college students in America face. Insomnia in college students can have an immense impact on psychological and physical health, which greatly influence academic success. Research shows that 70% of college students qualify as sleep deprived. Sleep deprivation has also been linked with several diseases/disorders, including: depression, anxiety, and obesity. Our research question investigated how sleep deprivation in college students affectsRead MoreLack Of Sleep And Sleep Deprivation865 Words   |  4 PagesSleep is an essential, fundamental process that has been programmed in almost all life forms since the early development of birth. The importance and benefit s of sleep lies paramount in comparison to other functions we do as humans including eating! Some scientist even say that you will die from sleep deprivation before you will die from food deprivation because when a person sleep your body is still very much awake and undergoes numerous functions. When health functions like memory consolidationRead MoreThe Effects Of Sleep Deprivation On Children974 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction 1. My opening/attention getting material is as follows: Sleep deprivation was a factor in some of the biggest disasters for example the 1979 nuclear accident at Three Mile Island, the massive Exxon oil spill, and the 1986 nuclear meltdown at Chernobyl. Sleep deprivation is affecting many Americans today especially college students. â€Å"A study in the Journal of Adolescent Health found that only 30 percent of students sleep at least eight hours a night, which is the average requirement forRead MoreSleep Deprivation And Sleep Disorders976 Words   |  4 Pagesbecome more about of society there has been a trend in people who are not getting a full night’s rest. According to the National Commission on Sleep Disorders Research, â€Å"at least 40 million Americans suffer from chronic, long-term sleep disorders† (Sleep Disorders and Sleeping Problems†). There are several causes for the increase in lack of sleep or sleep deprivation; which include, using electronics late at night, using your bed for more than just sleeping, and anxiety. As a result, of more American’sRead MoreThe Effects Of Sleep Deprivation On Sleep Disorders971 Words   |  4 Pagesbecome more about of society there has been a trend in people who are not getting a full night’s rest. According to the National Commission on Sleep Disorders Research, â€Å"at least 40 million Americans suffer from chronic, long-term sleep disorders† (Sleep Disorders and Sleeping Problems†). There are several causes for the increase in lack of sleep or sleep deprivation; which include, using electronics late at night, using your bed for more than just sleeping, and anxiety. As a result, of more American’sRead MoreSleep Deprivation Essay1250 Words   |  5 PagesSleep deprivation is defined as the situation or condition of suffering from lack of sleep. Sleep deprivation is super common now days. People begin at such a young age. Most people can recall the first time they wanted to stay up super late to watch television, or hang out with their friends at a sleep over. Kids are constantly seeing older sibling and parents staying up and choosing other things over sleep. They’re taught at such a young age that sleep deprivation is an okay thing to do. We aren’tRead MoreSleep Deprivation And Its Effects On Society1443 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Very nearly everybody encounters sleep deprivation occasionally, which is a developing issue, can influences a huge number of individuals on the planet particularly found in ladies, and more established. Additionally individuals who are separated or widowed have a more noteworthy chance than the individuals who are hitched to be casualties of sleep deprivation. A sleeping disorder originates from the Latin words for no slumber, which can be characterized as a reason or evident multifaceted

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Elie Wiesel Night Reflection - 1035 Words

The Holocaust is known for its vast dehumanization; nevertheless, history does not acknowledge the faith destroyed as a result. Elie Wiesel, a Nobel Peace Prize winner and author of the memoir Night, recounts his experiences telling his own story of faith being taken away from him. Wiesel, like many other Jews of this time, was taken from his home to Nazi-controlled concentration camps. Before his deportation, Wiesel’s faith used to be an eminent aspect of his life, describing himself as a child of the Talmud; however, the camps, Auschwitz, Buna, Gleiwitz, and Buchenwald, shatter all of his remaining faith. Wiesel’s writing conveys the idea that the less one is respected like a human being, the less one sees themselves and others as a†¦show more content†¦The experiences of Moshe foreshadow the way that the concentration camps will affect Wiesel and his future. Wiesel’s first major rebellion against his god transpires after he and his father are at Ausch witz, but his angst towards Him only gets stronger with time. After the veteran prisoners reveal the likely fate of ending up in the crematories Wiesel’s father whispers, â€Å"May His Name be blessed and magnified†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Wiesel 31). As a retort, Wiesel thinks, â€Å"For the first time, I felt revolt rise up in me. Why should I bless His name? The Eternal, Lord of the Universe, the All-Powerful and Terrible, was silent. What had I to thank him for?† (31). Him revolting towards his god reveals how he is beginning to doubt his faith and His power. Wiesel reflects on his first night writing†¦ Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, that turned my life into one long night seven times sealed. Never shall I forget that smoke. Never shall I forget the small faces of the children whose bodies I saw transformed into smoke under a silent sky. Never shall I forget those flames that consumed my faith forever. Never shall I forget the nocturnal silence that deprived me for all eternity of the desire to live. Never shall I forget those moments that murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to ashes. Never shall I forget those things, even if I am condemned to live as long as God Himself. Never. (32) Wiesel describes him and the otherShow MoreRelatedElie Wiesel Night Reflection794 Words   |  4 PagesElie Wiesel was born in the Romanian town of Sighet. His parents came from Orthodox and Hasidic Jewish families. Both of hi parents died in the Nazi concentration camps, as did his younger sister; his two elder sister survived. After the war, Wiesel went an Orp hanage in France, studies at the Sorbonne, and became a journalist. The name of the book is call the Night. It were written in the 1955-1958. It also were written from South America, France. The book was published in Argentina, France. TheRead MoreThe Destruction Of The Holocaust1203 Words   |  5 Pagespreventing it. Elie Wiesel’s fulfilled his purpose of showing the heinous crimes of the Holocaust through the change of characterization of Elie before, during and after the events of Wiesel s 1940 memoir-Night. The Holocaust is remembered as a stain on history, where a massive genocide occurred. but we must also recognize the souls and personalities that were killed and burned. Wiesel trembling hands picked up these ashes, personifying their ebony remains into a young child-Elie. For every soulRead MoreThe Holocaust: Night by Elie Wiesel1635 Words   |  7 PagesJews were persecuted, tortured and slaughtered in concentration camps (â€Å"The Holocaust† 1). Night by Elie Wiesel is the powerful memoir of his experiences during the Holocaust. Night shows the tragedy of the Holocaust through the use literary devices, including the themes of loss of faith and cruelty toward other human beings, night as a symbol of suffering and fear, and the use of first person narrative. Night allows the reader to emotionally connect with the victims of the Holocaust, encourages themRead MoreNight, By Elie Wiesel1476 Words   |  6 PagesIn Night, by Elie Wiesel, one man tells his story of how he survived his terrible experience during the Holocaust. Wiesel takes you on a journey through his â€Å"night† of the Holocaust, and how he survived the world’s deadliest place, Auschwitz-Birkenau. Elie Wiesel will captivate you on his earth shattering journey th rough his endless night. Elie Wiesel’s book Night forces you to open your eyes to the real world by using; irony, diction, and repetition to prove that man does have the capability toRead MoreThe Inhumane Treatment Of The Holocaust1714 Words   |  7 Pagesmillion of these people being Jewish. Not only were millions murdered, but hundreds of thousands who survived the concentration camps were forever scarred by the dehumanizing events that they saw, committed, and lived through. In the novel â€Å"Night† by Elie Wiesel, Wiesel recounts the spine-chillingly horrific events of the Holocaust that affected him first-hand, in an attempt to make the reality of the Holocaust clear and understandable to those who could not believe it. What was arguably one of the worstRead MoreThe Death Of The Cattle Cars1610 Words   |  7 Pageswhich no one believed, helped to pass the time. The few days we lived here went by pleasantly enough, in peace. There were no longer questions of w ealth, of social distinction, and importance only people condemned to the same fate-still unknown† (Night 20). Elie and the others Jews from his community lose some of their innocence when placed on the train to go to the camps. Overall, nobody seemed to think they would actually be doing this and at first still had hope. After being forced on the train theyRead MoreNight by Elie Wiesel Essay1004 Words   |  5 PagesNight by Elie Wiesel Night is a memoir written by Elie Wiesel, a young Jewish boy, who tells of his experiences during the Holocaust. Elie is a deeply religious boy whose favorite activities are studying the Talmud and spending time at the Temple with his spiritual mentor, Moshe the Beadle. At an early age, Elie has a naive, yet strong faith in God. But this faith is tested when the Nazis moves him from his small town. Night begins in 1941, when Elie, is twelve years old. Having grown upRead MoreNight And Maus Reflection1343 Words   |  6 Pageskilled , many survived the Holocaust to tell their story . Some like Elie Wiesel, wrote their story from personal experience.Others like Vladek Spiegelman told told their story with the help of relatives. In Elie Wiesel’s story , he talks about how his life was before and during the Holocaust. In Vladeks story , by his son, Art, Spiegelman, was told through a series of interviews and a graphic novel. The authors of Night and Maus portray the Holocaust through survivor testimony , interviewsRead MoreNight And Dawn : The End And The Beginning Of A Day1667 Words   |  7 PagesNight and Dawn. The end and the beginning of a day. Elie Wiesel, Holocaust survivor, noted author and recipient of the Noble Peace Prize, writes of both the darkness of the Holocaust and of the dawn of its ending. While Night is Wiesel’s autobiographical tale of h is experiences during the Holocaust, both in his hometown and in the concentration camps, Dawn is a fictional tale of Elisha, an eighteen-year-old Holocaust survivor, who has joined the Jewish Resistance movement in Palestine. Both are storiesRead MoreElie Wiesel : A Resilient, Compassionate, Wise, And Intelligent Human Being Essay1380 Words   |  6 Pagescourageous, and wise? It’s hard to know how you would act during this circumstance, nevertheless to imagine this situation at all. However, Elie Wiesel was one to not only experience this horrible situation but survive it. Through his journey he stayed strong and courageous, even if he didn’t realize that is what he was doing at the time. In my opinion, Elie Wiesel was a resilient, compassionate, wise, and an intelligent human being. Of course, no one would have realized that they were being strong or

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Does Life Get Better After High School free essay sample

High School, well i can only say that it’s the best experience while i am living in this planet, without high school, well, life is a bit of boring. Some person i met tells me that high school is the best, yeah i agree with them high school is the best, you know why i agree with them because today my college life is sucks, i think it’s too much intro, i will tell how my high school life changed me and why it’s one of the best part i’ll never forget.Being High School is the best part in my school days, more friends is the more happiness you experience but there is always an antagonists that will ruined your day and sometimes they are your teachers but not all the teachers some are in other school, i mean when it comes to a contest proving that who’s the best school in your small baryo, and including some of your friends that will not complete their day without teasing you and bullying you. We will write a custom essay sample on Does Life Get Better After High School? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Life through high school is an extraordinary feeling of every teenager that’s goes through it. People say that high school s the most exciting and happiest moments on a student’s life. I actually didn’t believe that before because I was in high school and doing many assignments and projects. I hated doing those because it took away the time that I suppose to be having fun. When I became a senior in high school that’s when I started to think that I guess those people were right. My parents to started to asked me about college and my plans after high school. I used to tell them â€Å"later† because I didn’t want to face the fact that I’m growing up. High school is a world where you no longer be treated as a child. This is the time when girls start to wear make up and boys turns into men. My high school life wasn’t always fun. I remembered those days that stayed up late to study for exams, tests and quizzes and writing research papers. It was also the time to meet new friends and build a friendship and shared laughter, cried together and had our moments.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

What Makes a Family an Example by

What Makes a Family? A family can be defined as a communal unit living collectively, in human visualization, a family is a comprehensive group of individuals or people sharing a close relationship which compromises of a mated couple including their offsprings. In essence, families form generations-each family matures to a point of gaining self sufficiency translating the subsequent generation is equally able to provide for itself. Others aspects that are linked to the formation of a family include culture,affinity,friendship,economy,tradition as well as honor which are in nature metaphorical, growing progressively to form nationhood and hence humanity. As units of socialization and fundamental institutions crucial too the structure of society, the family is the key subject of study sociologists. Need essay sample on "What Makes a Family?" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed However, the most often asked question is what makes a family? According to Dr.Hutter (2001), he argues that The family is the nucleus of American life. Examining the context of American family, it would be instrumental to understand that, due to the changing landscapes of social life, the conventional concept of a family have acquired a new dimension and meaning. This trend is being allied to such factors as, the increasing rate of single mothers, single fathers, gay and lesbian families among others. Thus, examining the context of what makes a family in American context Dr.Hutter asserts that, Money can assuage many of the stresses of everyday family life, to be sure. But it's not the panacea for shaping a successful family. The process must involve nurturing and support, as well as control and guidance of children. Affluent parents who are neglectful cannot overcome that neglect of their children with money (2001). Comparing this stance with the article Dads Role Redefined in the U.S. Household (2001),it is apparent that, American family is undergoing unstoppable metamorphosis, this is due to the fact that, traditional tenets are being replaced by instances where the family is being viewed from a different approach.traditionally,man was often viewed as the bread winner, but due to the changing social, political and economic spheres, equally women are also being involved in the equally position as men, hence the article Dads Role Redefined in the U.S. Household infers womens new options are good not just for themselves but for their children as well (2001). Despite dissimilar instances where the American families are seen to be impacted by happenstances of separation and divorce, the two articles provides a profound insight into what real makes the American family. Therefore, it ids essential to assert that despite the scope of raising children and having financial stability to cater for the family, the two articles posits that, affection and being there for each other greatly contributes to the fundamental aspects of sustaining a family. As is established in the article What Makes a Family? the author states Successful parents and victorious children often result from an understanding of the different positions and perspectives they maintain. Parents and children must be sensitive to each other's respective concerns. Here, too, an atmosphere of understanding and sharing must prevail. Family members must accept the fact that life extends beyond the family for each of its members. This outside or other life must also be taken into consideration as one deal with another (Hutter, 2001). By integrating the two articles, it is essential to point to the point that, in America today, there is a ranging debate on what really constitutes a family, and it is from such an observation that it is established there is a broad margin splitting the American society. Traditionally, the American family compromised the father, mother daughter and son. Yet according to the author of Dads Role Redefined in the U.S. Household he notes that, people have changed, as well as the communities,meaning,stay at home mothers are becoming rare by day and in it wake, single parent homes are increasing significantly. Basically, by examining what makes an American family today, diverse aspects have to reconsidered in total, note that, in some instance, the mother or the grandmother could be the one taking up the role of the provider,disciplinarian,protector as well as being caregiver. While the entrance of the absentee father has taken the centre stage, and this has brought a new definition of what makes a family to a new level, where the exact definition cannot be comprehensive. Therefore, the article Dads Role Redefined in the U.S. Household unlike What Makes a Family? seems to portend that, the Americans are brought up to accept that the only way to embrace a family is to have in place all viable components that makes a family in place,however,time have changed and new challenges have been created. Therefore, as Hutter (2001) stated Contemporary society often demands a highly mobile group of workers who'll go where the jobs are. This desire to maximize economic opportunities often causes the breakdown of longstanding patterns of kinship interaction. In addition, the greater concern for individual advancement often takes precedence over interest in extended family ties and obligations. Reference Hutter, M. (2001, January). The American Family. U.S. Society & Values. An electronic journal of the U.S. Department of State, Vol. 6, No. 1,