Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Enterprise Resource Planning Of Literature â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Enterprise Resource Planning Of Literature? Answer: Introduction: The working of the Real tech Organization is the development of the new IT system. They are working in the direction to provide best customer service support to the users. The organization is divided into several departments which are sales and marketing department, financial department, RD department, IT, Human resources, and management department (Raj, 2012). The information system deployed in the working curriculum of the organization is inefficient in handling the functioning of the different department. Now the owner of the company wants to transform the tradition information system with the ERP system. In this paper we are looking forward to identify the types of ERP applications which can help in improving the operational capability of the enterprise. The purpose of this paper is to provide an ERP software application which is best suitable for the organization with the explanation of its features. The implementation of the ERP system within the working curriculum of the organ ization helps in streamlining the business operation and processes to synergize the utilization of the resources (Jain, 2010). The types of ERP application software are listed below: SAP R/3: This is the most suitable ERP software used for transforming the business operation and processes. LN/BaaN: This software helps in increasing the productivity of the organization by having better control on the underlying processes. Microsoft Dynamics Ax 2009: It provides efficient services to the retailers, suppliers, and wholeseller. Microsoft Dynamic NAV: This software works on improving the functionality of the finance department, supply chain management system, customer relationship management system, and others. Difference is shown in the table below: SAP R/3 LN/BaaN Microsoft Dynamics Ax 2009 Microsoft Dynamic NAV It helps in improving the business operational capability by providing better services and support The areas which are covered are productivity of the user, increasing the efficiency of the operational processes, controlling of operations, and enhancing communication The better services can be provided to the suppliers, retailers, distributors, and whole seller It is capable of managing supply chain and customer relationship management program. It is suitable for large organization It is suitable for manufacturing companies It is suitable for larger and medium sized organization which works on multiple sites or countries It is suitable for small and medium sized organization Proposal of ERP software application: From the above discussion and literature review, we have concluded that the SAP R/3 is the most suitable ERP application software which can be used by the Real Tech Organization to transform their business operation to provide better services to the customers. Features of the proposed ERP software application: The SAP R/3 software is capable of simplifying the processing of complex business transaction and reducing and distributing the work load among the different unit of the project. It helps in improving the operational capability of the organization. The implementation of the SAP R/3 ERP system within the working curriculum of the organization helps in streamlining the business operation and processes to synergize the utilization of the resources. The scalability of the enterprise can be enhanced. It is the versatile software which can efficiently work in the different department of the real tech organization. Transition of the organization with the new system The Real tech organization makes use of SAP R/3 application software for transforming their business tactics and operational processes. The financial accounting system of the organization can be improved by providing accuracy in the management of budget, investment, distribution of services, sales, and human resources. It helps in satisfying the requirement of the business by providing the common platform to the different department of the organization such as sales and marketing department, financial department, RD department, IT, Human resources, and management department (Wilson, 2010). The client server architecture is supported by the SAP R/3 application which is capable of handling database packages for warehousing, finance, supplier, customers, sales, marketing, human resource, and others. The implementation of the SAP R/3 program helps the organization to improve its planning processes. The interruption and risks associated with the processes can be reduced and minimized. The cost of the material used can be estimated with the procurement protocols. It helps in monitoring the sales and customer relationship program for enhancing the workflow of the enterprise. The administrative cost of the enterprise can be reduced to a high extent with the deployment of the new technologies (Mashari, 2014). The global integration of all the departments can be possible on the common platform. The real time information about the activities performed by the different departments can be easily retrieved. The knowledge and expertise system helps in improving the operational capability of the present architecture. Integration of ERP with different Departments: Marketing and sales department: The implementation of SAP R/3 helps in managing the automation in the sale and marketing department. The processes of multi-channels marketing are streamlined with it. (Kelly, 2009). The monitoring of the real time sales and marketing can be efficiently done. Within the moment of second the required information can be accessed with the use of ERP system. The relationship can be effectively maintained with the customers. The ordering of the products and services can be effectively done with the SAP R/3 system. The database is prepared for the sales and marketing transactions. The unique number is generated to the sale order process. The customer can choose multiple payment modes according to their comfort. Supply chain management system: The ERP system helps in maintaining the balance between the supply and demand of the resources which solves the problem of storage and waste. The integration of SAP R/3 with the different department of the organization helps in handling the availability of the resources (Moon, 2007). It plays a vital role in handling operational cost and reducing overhead expenditure. It is capable of managing flow of material, required information, information related to finance, and others. The efficiency of the entire system can be efficiently managed with the tracking of the orders and optimization the inventory management program. Accounting and finance system: SAP R/3 is the most suitable ERP by managing the information related to the development of the general ledger, investment management schemes, integration of the transactions, material management program, distribution and sales department, and human resource department (Mishra, 2013). It helps in analysing the profit ratio of the enterprise. It divides the accounting system into four blocks which are classified as audit block, vendor block, receiving block, and manual block. The financial accounting system of the organization can be improved by providing accuracy in the management of budget, investment, distribution of services, sales, and human resources. The management of these blocks helps in providing accurate information for the accounting and finance department (Srinivasan, 2016). The applicability of the ERP application helps in reducing the operational cost by removing the redundant processes. The stability in the performance can be improved with the consistency in the response time. Human resource management system: The SAP R/3 ERP system plays a vital role in managing the data related with employees and man power. It focuses on aligning the activities associated with the arrangement of training and development program, payroll management, recruitment and appraisal, promotion, performance measurement for incentives, and others (Mandal, 2013). The different activities which are performed by the ERP system in managing human resources are categorised as master plan for human resource management, administration of employees and their salary, time management plan, training and development program, and others. The complexity in handling the human resource can be resolved with the implementation of SAP R/3 system. Conclusion By analysing the given scenario, it is recommended for the real tech organization to implement SAP R/3 ERP system because It helps in analysing the profit ratio of the enterprise. The implementation of the SAP R/3 program helps the organization to improve its planning processes. The interruption and risks associated with the processes can be reduced and minimized. References: Jain, B. (2010).ERP SAP R/3 overview. Retrieved from https://www.slideshare.net/seekbuntyjain/erp-sap-r3-overview-introduction Kelly, J. (2009).SAP R / 3 Functionality overview. Retrieved from https://www-bcf.usc.edu/~anthonyb/itp321/r3func.pdf Mandal, P. (2013).Application of SAP R/3 in on-line inventory control. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/222519314_Application_of_SAP_R3_in_on-line_inventory_control Mashari, M. (2014).Implementing ERP through SAP R/3. 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