Friday, May 15, 2020

Same Sex Marriage A Social Struggle Between Traditional...

Same-Sex Marriage Imagine living a life where everything you do is looked down upon, a life in which your rights are limited even in a free country, a life in where you are belittled simply because of one choice, the choice of a same-sex relationship. All around the world there is a social struggle between traditional and modern viewpoints pertaining same-sex marriage. Some fight for the advancement of homosexual relationships, while others would prefer they be non-existent. But in the end, as Americans who strive for liberty and justice for all, we should accept each and every individual and treat them as equals in an effort to strive for the greater good regardless of the fact that you do not agree with the life decisions that they have chosen. Though this matter does not directly affect me, there are many people around us that are affected and I feel that it is our duty to make them feel comfortable in all of their endeavors. I have watched many people being chastised simply becau se of their participation in same-sex relationships. Growing up, I had an older step-sister whom I idolized. We did everything together from play dress-up to talk about guys. For six years she hid the fact that she was in a same-sex relationship from me and from the rest of my family. I witnessed the entirety of the after-math of her opening up to us. Only then did I understand why she kept quiet for so long. I sat and watched as my sister was kicked-out by her father, shunned by some familyShow MoreRelatedComparison of the Waltons Television Show to Todays Modern Family778 Words   |  4 Pages1930’s as compared to how family is viewed from a sociological viewpoint today. â€Å"The Walton’s† may not have been an idealistic portrait of family, but the series did portray family as it really was in that era, since it was based on the autobiographical writings of Earl Hamner, Jr. The television series, â€Å"The Walton’s† was about a family living through the Great Depression in the Blue Ridge Mountain area of Virginia. Their daily struggles through all of life’s problems were exactly how life was livedRead MoreEssay on A Discussion of Same-Sex Marriage 2197 Words   |  9 PagesThe topic of same-sex marriage, or gay marriage, is extremely divisive in todays society. This paper will address some of the issues surrounding gay marriage. 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